Electronics unit with built-in microprocessor, contains 2 different programs:
LCD (liquid crystal display) with built-in backlight.
2 x 16 dot matrix signs.
Self-adjusting contrast for different temperatures.
4 x 1.5 V alkaline R6 AA batteries give approx. 100-200 hours of operating time depending on activity.
4 x 1.2 V rechargeable NiMH R6 AA batteries, 2700 mAh, give approx. 100-200 hours of operating time depending on activity.
From -20°C up to +50°C
Approx. 10 m/s
Main rod: 2.21 m (total length 2282 mm)
Main rod + telescopic rod: 4.21 m
Main rod + telescopic rod+ extension rod: 6.36 m
Extension rod: 2.15 m (total length 2199 mm)
When measuring height with Z-FIX without the use of scales, the measurement accuracy is approx. +/- 1 mm / 2 meters.
Measurement accuracy deviations distributed according to the following:
Length expansion Z-FIX main rod: 0.23 mm / m / 10°C calculated from +20°C
Z-FIX computer head + main rod + telescopic rod: approx. 2.4 kg
Z-FIX computer head + extension rod: approx. 1.7 kg
Foot ring: Approx. 3.3 kg
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